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Facts Anxious Patients Should Know About Laughing Gas

BY Windy Hill Dental Associates

In dentistry, there are particular fields consist of different services that aim to handle the oral troubles of a patient. For example, if they are considering to have their smiles enhanced, the field of cosmetic dentistry is ideal. On the other hand, for people who are missing a tooth or two, restorative dentistry is the best course to take. But how about people who are fearful of seeing a dentist in the first place? Is there a field that can help them receive the oral care services they need and deserve? At Windy Hill Dental Associates, the answer is a YES!

anxiety-free dental care

With the help of sedation dentistry, it is now possible for people to undergo the dental services they need to maintain the state of their oral health. However, sedation dentistry is sometimes misunderstood. It results in people thinking twice of availing the said service. What they should understand is, not everything they know from the opinion of other people is not the exact truth. So, to make everyone know more about the service, here is a list of facts about a particular option under sedation dentistry—Laughing Gas.

Easy to administer

One of the worries people have about the delivery of sedation is if it uses needles. The good news is, laughing gas is delivered through the use of a mask worn over the nose. Patients can simply inhale the mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide. And after a few minutes, the dentist can perform the scheduled procedures without causing the patient any discomfort and pain.

It is guaranteed safe

Patients are assured that the delivery of the said sedation option is performed by a dental professional. That said, they can be sure that the process is performed as careful as possible. Plus, for years that the said gas is used, there is no reported impact to the major organs like the brain, heart, kidney, lungs, and liver.

No lingering effects

When laughing gas has taken effect, patients can expect slight tingling sensations and numbness all over the body. But, they can remain responsive to the instructions given by the dentist. After the scheduled procedure, the patient will be allowed to breathe in normal air. As the sedative exits the body, they will be able to continue with their daily activities without any hangover effects.

It has been around for many years

Although the beneficial gas has not been utilized for its potential until the year 1844. Since then, it has been availed by many people and became a mainstay in the 1960s and even today!

To make dental visits and treatments more pleasant throughout, why not consider availing sedation dentistry options like laughing gas and more!

The road to a healthy oral state does not only end in performing home care practices, the professional services of a dentist should be sought as well! To make this possible despite the fear and anxiety, avail of our Sedation Dentistry service in Marietta, GA! Call or visit us at Windy Hill Dental Associates to get started.

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