Laughing gas for anxiety-free dental work
A pill taken by the mouth to provide minimal to moderate sedation. The patient should feel tired, but still aware of their surroundings.
Local Anesthesia
Our dentists are committed to providing Marietta, Georgia painless dentistry, so we offer laughing gas. This is a colorless, slightly sweet-smelling and tasting gas used with oxygen as a sedative and analgesic agent for the performance of minor operations. Used as an anti-anxiety agent to relax patients during dental visits for root canals, for example, laughing gas is a great solution for those who need to calm themselves in order to let our team take care of dental needs.
Inducing a conscious sedation state, laughing gas provides you with the ability to have a comfortable dental experience without any long-term effects or extensive office visits. It is a harmless sedative that helps you achieve a relaxed state during treatment while allowing you to still respond to touch and speech. Laughing gas can be administered before, during or after a dental procedure via injection or inhalation.
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